
Meet Himalayan Shawl Weavers

The softest, warmest, lightest, and most exquisite form of wool weaving must surely be the pashmina shawl. Once reserved exclusively for royalty, today pashmina shawls are available in boutiques and stores, accessible even to the common man who can afford them. This tailor-made tour offers a unique opportunity to understand the intricate craftsmanship behind one of the world's most exotic, luxurious, expensive, and desirable articles of clothing. Not only does it provide warmth, but the pashmina shawl also holds high prestige and serves as a social statement in many circles.

  • An introduction to one of the world's most luxurious and desirable articles of clothing.
  • Interacting with the skilled shawl weavers. 
  • Learning the intricate craft of pashmina making.

Under the guidance of experts, you will discover many interesting aspects of Pashmina while engaging with the weavers during your interactions. Pashmina, also known as cashmere, is woven from the fibers of the undercoat of specific species of long-haired wild goats living at elevations of 9000 ft to 11000 ft. The soft wool is hand-spun into thin and even pashmina yarn, which is then handwoven into the loom, combining cotton, silk, and pashmina warp. Shawls are typically produced in four colours: grey, white, black, and cream. Pashmina products come in various forms, such as shawls (standard dimensions 30" x 80"), stoles (28" x 80"), scarves (24" x 72"), and mufflers (12" x 72"). An insightful tip to determine the authenticity of pashmina is to burn a single fiber: genuine pashmina will turn into a powder with a burnt-hair smell, while synthetic content will result in a black ball.

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