
Release your inner mojo by working with instead of against your wiring in the jubilations of the cultural bonhomie of Durga Puja, Navratri, Indrajatra and the Tour of the Dragon.


Durga Puja

From all over the world Bengalis return home to welcome Ma Durga, their tutelary deity who descends on earth once a year to her family home and accepts the devotions of her faithful. This rocking cultural fiesta is all about prayers and worship, culinary devotions and shopping delights—with family and friends

Where: Bengal  |   When: September/October 2025


Celebrating this pan-India festival in Gujarat is an unforgettable experience. Unmissable are the gorgeously attired men and women going through the ritualist paces of the Garba, the cultural dance performed in large groups

Where: Gujarat, Pan-India  |   When: September/October 2025



Get ready to witness Nepal’s most vibrant festival which offers a rare opportunity for a face-to-face with the pre-pubescent Kumari, the Living Goddess, as she moves out of seclusion to meet her devotees on a colourful procession in a gilded chariot through the streets of Kathmandu…

Where: Kathmandu  |   When: September 2025


Tour of the Dragon

For bike racing buffs this is a fabulous opportunity to witness Bhutan’s legendary bike racing ultra-marathon. The adventure driven race covers a length of 255 km with serious challenges along the route as it passes it through four high passes in the country.

Where: Bumthang to Thimphu Trail  |   When: 6th September, 2025

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